The state of Oklahoma talks a big game about being “pro-life.” But at the end of the day, we’re all hat, no cattle when it comes to actually walking the walk to take care of our kids. And once again, the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNTS Data Book sets out in stark terms just how poorly Oklahoma ranks in key measure, specifically, economic-wellbeing, education, health, family and community.
As Observercast uses the rest of the summer to dive into all the ways Superintendent Wrecking Ball, Ryan Walters, is decimating our K-12 schools, we’re talking to various stakeholders and experts on public education in our state. For this week’s episode — Bibles, Bullets and Babies — the Oklahoma Policy Institute’s Executive Director Shiloh Kantz joins us to discuss what the KIDS COUNT report this year tells us about the state of Oklahoma’s kids.
Observercast is presented by the Mary Lou Lemon Foundation.