'Do As I Say, Not As I Do' ... Whatever That May Be
Powerful white guy, aka Gov. Governor Kevin Stitt, demands, by executive order that efforts to insure diversity, equality and inclusion that are a part of university life at OU and OSU, be abolished, forthwith.
That means right away.
In response, OSU President Kayse Shrum said to Gov. Silly, hold your horses, ponies, pigs, goats and other animals folks in Stillwater care about, while Pistol Pete and the rest of the Aggies try to forget the Goof is a graduate of their place on the plains. Good going, Kayse.
But down in Norman, my alma mater, the University of Oklahoma responded by knuckling under to him while students from 123 countries currently call Norman home. Some even have red, yellow, brown or black skin. Quite a few also identify with trans and gay groups, but no DEI needed in Oklahoma's last remaining liberal, dare I say socialist, enclave in an otherwise redneck, red-assed and red-faced redoubt of reactionary revivalists that make up the rest of our state.
In three years Clueless Kevin will be gone from office and hopefully then our regents and university poobahs will have their spines re-inserted and brains re-engaged so instead of resembling the Tin Man, Lion and Scare Crow, folks in charge there will bring back memories of Presidents George Lynn Cross, who integrated the place, and David Boren, who modernized it with massive infusions of public and private dollars, hundreds of National Merit Scholars, world-class professors attracted by endowed chairs and, most of al,l an appreciation for and understanding of diversity, equality and inclusion.
Of course, in doing so, it only cost David his job, reputation, much of his financial security and even access to the campus itself.
Meanwhile, as our state's double-talking, two-faced phony imposes his parochial, paranoid and pathetic principles in the public sector, his own privately held Gateway Bank lauds its commitment to DEI, without which it cannot survive.
When asked about the double-standard, Senseless Stitt blamed the bank's board, a retort reminiscent of that Cowardly Lion, or was it the heartless Tin Man, maybe even the brainless Scare Crow?
More likely all three, don't you think?