Second Banana
I thought it was snowbirds from up north who go to Florida to eventually die.
Nope. It’s woke!
No wonder Gov. Ron DeSantis can't catch up to that 91-count indicted blowhard still leading him in the polls. All he does in this video is repeat everything that is wrong in America, then brag about the wonders of his Sunshine State while generally giving the “leader of his pack” a pass for all of his indiscretions. That's putting it mildly.
The Florida governor is going to have to hit Trump where it really hurts and that is to tell the truth about him; the charges in four courts, including taking and refusing to return some of the highest classified documents possessed by the nation.
I know the argument goes that DeSantis can't risk offending the Trump base so he hasn't and look how great that's working for him. He's 50 points down to the Orange One and falling in the polls compared to his rivals.
Politics these days demands toughness, truth and the temerity to tackle both the challenges and opportunities of the future. They are real, large and growing, at least from the perspective of the Republican Party and deserve specific solutions that work, not platitudes about how great Florida has become under his tutelage.
DeSantis can give a compelling speech, but as long as it lacks the ingredients I suggest above, he's going to remain in the “also ran” category. Even if he manages to hang on to his current No. 2 in the polls that means, well, he's going to lose and lose badly.
And finally, when all the Republican candidates parade before right-wing, nut-job groups like the one featured here, there's not a vote to get that they wouldn't have received anyway. Better to have spent the same amount of time talking to the goobers at the Lexington coffee shop and by the way, we don't even have a coffee shop.