Stitt Caught In Rare Situation: Telling The Truth
Proponents of the private school tax scheme cooked up by the Republican Legislature, under urging from multi-millionaire Gov. Kevin Stitt, finally are admitting what most folks already knew – that the vast majority of the first year $150 million will go to families who already have their kids in private schools.
That's because there is no hard family income cap although the Tax Commission hopes much of the moola will go to those whose annual income does not exceed $150,000.
The currently participating enrollees in private settings also have the advantage of counselors and other staff to help them cut through the complexities of the new revenue stream and obviously they have been very successful since the Tax Commission says all the money was spoken for … within the first 1½ hours of operation.
Unbelievably, when asked if he would be applying for the tax credits at $7,500 per child in private schools – of which he has three, thus equaling $22,500 toward the Stitt bottom line – financially struggling Stitt said due to the paltry governor's salary he brings home that, of course, he and the Mrs. would apply because "every little bit helps."
However, apparently the governor's PR team recognized some things Clueless Kevin didn't and those could be: 1. At the very least a huge conflict of interest exists since he signed the legislation; 2. that many of us commoners would recognize he's a multi-millionaire and hardly needs more green from Uncle Generous; 3. that by taking the largesse he would have to reveal his actual income and sources as well as the fact he undoubtedly has increased his personal wealth during his completed five years on the dole with three more to go.
Therefore, a new press release released later that night by Gov. Scrooge ... oops, Stitt reversed field and magnanimously clarified the family would not be in line filing for the free money. How appropriate. Wise. Politically and professionally correct. And required for him to retain any credibility with the great unwashed who elected him.
All of which probably made for a painful discussion around the old dinner table tonight. After all, as Sarah and the kids most likely pointed out ... every little bit helps, what with the Biden inflation still raging to the point that one could buy gasoline today at Casey's on NW 63rd street for $2.29 a gallon.
Oh, the injustice of it all, especially for telling the truth about his original intentions.
It's about time.