Listen. There’s only two things to talk about this week. And they’re both really, really bad.
The impending shutdown of the federal government Sunday, Oct.1, due to the ineptitude of Congressional House Republicans. Community Health Centers, WIC and SNAP recipients, veterans, the military, the IRS, the National Park Service…all face reduced services, furloughs, working without pay, and even shutting down until Congress can pass a budget. As of 10 pm, Thursday, Sept. 28th, that doesn’t look likely.
The Oklahoma State Department of Education, with Wreckin’ Ball Ryan Walters sitting at the helm, announced this week that it is reopening an investigation into Western Heights Public Schools.
Why, you ask?
Because a principal in the district performs in drag….after hours…in his own free time.
The principal has been open about this and let’s remember, it’s not drag queens regularly getting thrown in the clink for child molestation, or being sued for hazing or assaulting high school athletes. You literally cannot find a mugshot of a drag queen accused of sexual assault or physical violence against a minor.
Coaches and pastors, on the other hand…
But somehow, the brain trust at OSDE, fueled by that vampire squid consultant from Texas playing Walters like a puppet, doesn’t acknowledge the real predators—or, the real problems— in our schools.
Walters’ latest publicity stunt is outrageous, horrifying, an atrocious violation of First Amendment rights, and should worry the hell out of all of us if 1) we respect the dignity of all humans, full stop; 2) we don’t want our extracurricular activities used against us to deny us of our livelihoods and freedom of expression; and 3) have a really big problem with an elected official using the powers of Government (with a big G) to go on a witch hunt to ruin someone’s life in order to further their own self-interests and political aspirations. He went after Summer Boismier and tried to revoke her teaching license. Now, he’s going after Shane Murnan. He won’t stop there.
Walters’ OSDE might try going after the people doing real harm while on the clock.
With that, I’m going to go ahead and pass the mic to the fabulous Love Bailey, addressing the school board of “Transmecula” in California…she says it better I can.
*Deep breath in*
Join us in Norman at BIG Brew Co. for the next Brews and Views, Oct. 15, from 11 am until noon. State Reps. Annie Menz and Arturo Alonso will be joining us for great brunch time conversation.