We all woke up today to the news that Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt traveled to Israel with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Now that all the world’s problems are solved with that little junket to the Middle East, what are Oklahoma’s real issues right now?
First, we still remain at the bottom of the pack when it comes to domestic violence and incarcerating women in Oklahoma, but Stitt’s declaration that November is Oklahoma Family month should also solve that.
No word if he’s going to acknowledge Indigenous People’s Month. Other than have Wes Nofire talk about how much Indigenous people value family.
Something terrible is going on in Wewoka.
Nothing from Stitt.
Michelin announced suddenly that it was pulling out of Ardmore, and the legislature met to discuss why that may have happened. Over 1,000 people will lose jobs when the Michelin facility closes and legislators say they were blindsided by the announcement.
Hmm. Seems like someone in the governor’s office should have had some idea this was coming. If they were paying attention.
Speaking of problems: the U.S. House of Representatives finally has a new Speaker, Louisiana Congressman and relative dark horse candidate Mike Johnson. He’s got a list of 99 problems and none of them are actually issues impacting regular workaday Americans. Instead, he played a key role in the Jan. 6 insurrection, his wife practices conversion therapy, he doesn’t seem to have any banking records, and he “adopted” a Black 14 year-old when he was only 24 years-old. I’m sure there’s nothing fishy going on with that guy.
Just another week.
Don’t miss our latest Observercast with Rep. Ellyn Hefner, or our editor Arnold Hamilton’s latest piece, Sharon Martin’s, and Gary Edmondson’s.
Have a good one!