Ryan Walters may be solidifying his title as Oklahoma’s worst-ever state superintendent, but he’s proving himself world-class when it comes to social media gamesmanship.
Latest example: As the state education agency burns around him, Walters determined this is the time to formally endorse Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential bid.
“There has never been a time that we’ve needed President Donald J. Trump more,” Walters declared. “Our education system is riddled with liberal extremist activists who believe in indoctrination rather than education.
“President Trump has the leadership, vision, and the undeniable drive to end the stranglehold of evil that national unions have on our classrooms, our kids, and our country. President Trump will destroy the false foundation that is our modern education system and return the focus back to reading, writing, and a love for our country.”
Libs, owned? The parodic statement certainly triggered some snark on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter. But it must be said: not near the tsunami it once would have.
That is a sure sign Oklahomans who truly care about improving public education are being distracted less by Walters’ Trumpian bloviating and focusing more on what he is d-o-i-n-g, especially when it involves tax dollars.
Why unveil the Trump endorsement now? Maybe it’s because Attorney General Gentner Drummond made clear last week he’s still probing Walters’ alleged mishandling of federal COVID relief funds.
“We owe the federal government at least $18 million back that we gave to friends and family to people that didn’t need it,” Drummond said in Tulsa. “We had over 600 families in desperate need of those dollars that were valid applicants that never got it.”
At the time, Walters was Gov. Kevin Stitt’s cabinet secretary for education, charged with supervising federal funds provided to help families pay for education supplies, curriculum, technology and tutoring vital to remote learning during the pandemic.
According to state Auditor Cindy Byrd, at least $1.7 million was spent “on various non-educational items, such as kitchen appliances, power tools, furniture and entertainment.”
So far, the feds publicly have demanded the state repay $650,000 … but it’s clear state and federal investigations aren’t finished.
Meanwhile, Oklahoma Voice reported last week Katherine Curry, the gubernatorial cabinet secretary who succeeded Walters, resigned recently after just three months because Walters’ administration stonewalled her oversight of the education department.
“When you’re responsible for something, you want to know details,” she told the online news site. “That’s all I can say. I just needed information … I never received information.”
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire?
Notable, too, is that Walters’ Trump endorsement rolled out just days after the Organization of Rural Oklahoma Schools honored his chief legislative nemesis, Rep. Mark McBride, R-Moore, with its Outstanding Legislator award.
It’s true such special interest “honors” routinely go to legislators with real power [McBride is chair of the House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee for Education].
It’s also undeniable the group represents areas that have given overwhelming support to Republicans in recent elections – and, in fact, were crucial to Walters’ victory in last year’s superintendent’s race.
Why turn against Walters? If it wasn’t clear before, it is now: Walters is the primary agent of a wealthy, out-of-state cabal that is hell-bent on dismantling America’s egalitarian system of public education and replacing it with religious and/or for-profit private schools.
That agenda threatens the identity – indeed, the very heartbeat – of most small Oklahoma towns: their public schools.
Does Walters view his Trump endorsement as a potential off-ramp? If Trump wins, perhaps he creates a spot in his administration for a fawning Walters. And provides the superintendent an escape from the dumpster fire he created – and stokes – in Oklahoma.
Until 70% of republicans stop thinking they've done their civic duty when they make one check for straight party voting, and actually start to consider who they are voting for, disasters like Walters will continue.