Working Class Economics
Why do so many working-class people see Reagan as the ideal president? What about his union busting did they not understand?
What is it about Medicare for All, universal education, and a living wage that has so many working-class voters up in arms?
Why does anyone believe that tax cuts for top earners is good for the economy?
One answer could be misinformation. Another might be that the culture wars are shifting voters’ attention from the real issues that will affect their lives.
No matter how high our Gross Domestic Product is, it doesn’t make our country rich if most of the money is in too few pockets. A lopsided economy is unsustainable.
Systems that allow inequality are undemocratic. When the money circulates through the economy rather than sitting in offshore accounts, the nation is better off.
When citizens are healthy and educated, the country needs to fund fewer social services and fewer prisons. Healthy, educated people work, spend money, and pay their taxes.
Making this country work for everyone begins with the tax system. Thomas Jefferson understood that progressive taxation, with the wealthy paying a higher rate, was essential to keep the country from devolving into a type of moneyed aristocracy. We are there now.
He would be aghast at the incentives given to business owners who promise good paying jobs in exchange for tax breaks. You can be sure the workers, those who make the owners wealthy, are paying their taxes.
I believe in capitalism, but progressive taxation is its essential braking system. We all know this story: give 100 people each an equal number of dollars and eventually one person will be holding most of the wealth. We can’t change human nature, but we can make sure the tax system is both funded by and provides benefits for all the people.
We can make it harder for big money to buy politicians.
We can make sure that large companies pay a living wage.
Taxation isn’t a dirty word, but we can demand that tax dollars are used to make the lives of all citizens safer and better.
Citizens need equal access to quality education and preventive medical care. Affordable and available mental health care and treatment for drug addiction benefit everyone.
We can make this country greater if we address corruption, undo the damage of Citizens United, and educate voters. Every vote counts, and voters must say no to politicians who act against the economic interests of the people they serve.